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How to Be a Roman

The monthly magazine ADESSO – the only Italian language magazine in Germany, Austria and Switzerland – published an article about how Romans are and how, by following our lessons, we can be real Romans.

Friendly, hospitable and close to traditions, so are the Romans. They prefer spaghetti all’amatriciana to the most elaborate sushi. On Sundays, they still prefer to make an excursion to Castelli Romani or go shopping at the market near the Circus Maximus. This is an easy way to feel less tourists.

You just leave the main roads and visit the small streets, sit in a restaurant in Piazza Morgana or maybe in Garbatella. Or you can have fun in Testaccio or Trastevere; go to the market in Porta Portese and learn how to talk to Romans using some typical expressions; and now you feel as a Roman.

Who knows better than us with our learning-on-the-move methodology?

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